You do not earn your salvation by doing good works. How then can we face giants like Loneliness, Guilt, Shame, and Fear? Click to find out.
What should you do when you feel Satan's attacks? The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy, but we must not listen to his lies.
We can cultivate anxiety and feed our fears, but how can we cultivate peace?
Are the days leading up to Christmas busy and rushed, or are you taking time to yield. What does this look like?
Beauty and pain are not mutually exclusive, and neither are suffering and glory. Transfiguration-like moments remind us that there is an eternity that lies ahead.
How can you trust God when disaster hits? What do you do when you realize that you are not in control?
The white wedding gown is not a symbol of the bride’s purity. It is an emblem of the work Jesus has done on the cross.
What happens with you find yourself packing your life while unpacking memories and unexpected wounds? Here’s to hearing His voice in the broken spaces, empty places, and unplanned transitions.
College is incredibly stressful, and we can miss the mark if we are not careful. How can we make the most of our college years?
Our culture places a lot of value on prestige, glamour, and success, but what happens if you feel God whispering to you to choose a different way?
How do you normally look at change? Is it something you fear or yearn for? Seasons refine us, refresh us, sanctify us, and make us more beautiful.
What do you do when your health, relationships, and future all fall apart? Read one heaven bent woman's testimony here.
It is hard to be content. After one fun event ends and leaves you dissatisfied, what next? What does it mean to be content in all circumstances?
When your emotional or physical pain interrupts your basic daily functioning, it is time to get help.
Honor your mother today. God gave you to your mother for a reason--one that may take a lifetime for you to realize.
Do you have a fear of missing out? We all do. The real question is, who are you missing out on?
It is painful to be left out of a group text and so easy to join in on the negative talk. Thankfully, there is a way to steep up and be who God created you to be.
It is hard when everyone seems to know where they want to go to college and what they want to do with their lives. God does have plans for us, but what if these plans aren't revealed to us?
Life is a constant change of seasons. The highs and lows won't last forever, but what will?
You are not "the single girl" or "the girl who is always in a relationship girl." To Christ, you are simply "the beloved girl."
Asking the question of how far you can go is not a physical issue, but a heart issue. If you've messed up, crossed lines, failed, etc., take hope in the fact that our Father loves you.
It's okay if you do not get a spiritual "high"; it does not mean you are spiritually inferior.
Please consider writing for Heaven Bent High School. We are looking for women to fill this need.
Have you ever felt self-hate, shame, or sadness when you cannot fit in jeans or when compare your body to other girls at school? Though we are God's image bearers, why do we feel this way, and what can we do?
What friends influence you for the better? Your friends are meant to push you towards holiness, not just happiness.
Cyber bullying is inherently cowardly. Instead of using the Internet for evil, let's be a different kind of "keyboard warrior."
It's frustrating when your parents don't have the same interests as you. Thankfully, Christ has a solution.
God can, and He will, use every challenge in middle school for His glory. All we must do is let Him.
He doesn’t need the fake you. Wear your untrendy socks and funky tops. Laugh your loud laugh.
We can celebrate (mostly) our romantic relationships on Valentine's Day by feasting and an inward focus, or we can also use this day as a reminder to take the planks out of our own eyes and freely love humanity. Which will you pick?