Thank you so much for desiring eternal impact on the lives of girls and women.
The mission of Heaven Bent Women is to recycle broken into beautiful, by connecting older women with younger women for God's glory and His Kingdom's good. We believe in stories. Share your stories, as raw and as true as they are. Your story could help save a life.
We humbly ask all women of all ages and writing styles to consider submitting a piece that supports the mission. Please see below for guidelines for submissions.
“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power, and His mighty works. ”
interested in submitting?
Steps to follow...
Think about your target audience. What age group do you want to impact? Middle school girls (11-14) ? High school (14-18)? College (18-22)? Post grad (22-100)?
Brainstorm and free write. Here are some ideas to help... Times of trial or testing... Where did God show up? How did He use your trial, pain, and temptation for His glory and your good? Times of surrender...Where did you surrender to God? What were/are your fears? What does God promise? Times of joy...How did God bless you? Where did being faithful pay off? Times of waiting...What did God teach you in the waiting? Why is waiting hard? Times of doubt...What made it easy to doubt? How did God respond? Times of ______ You fill it in! We welcome and love creativity. See our founder's, Shannon Janico's, piece entitled "Avoid Crying in the Grocery Store & Other Lessons I Learned From Therapy. You are free to write on anything that glorifies God and shows redemption.
Sleep on the piece, find a theme, include Bible verses, and edit it. It always helps to look at a piece the next day to add or make changes. It is important that the piece is not a blurb from your diary but has a clear theme and message. Given our mission, please include at least one Bible verse. Thank you.
Directly email Include in the email as follows....
The title of your piece
The target audience of your piece
What name you would like us to use (just first name, first and last, or a pen name to protect privacy)
Optional picture of yourself and/or optional 1-2 sentence blurb about who you are
Wait for Heaven Bent Women to contact you with suggestions and exciting news about publishing. There are no page limits; however, most pieces are two pages double spaced.
Keep writing! If your piece does not get chosen, keep writing until it does!
Interested & want more info?
Please fill out the form below, and one of our editors will reach out!