By Kayley Janico
F.O.M.O. The fear of missing out. A phrase used in every aspect of a college student’s life, and a phrase used to justify why I often don’t want to say no.
I myself constantly battle with the constant fear of missing out.
What if I don’t go out tonight?
I can’t believe I missed out last time; I have to go this time!
Sometimes I feel as though it is impossible to say "no." I want to say "yes" to every opportunity thrown my way. I want to go out with my friends, or simply stay in and watch a movie with them when I really should be studying. I do not want to feel out of the loop because I missed out.
Fear of missing out is normal, it is something everyone experiences. However, slowly through out my college career, I have come to realize that missing out on things does not cause a strain in any relationship, and saying no can often be for the best.
This fear of missing out comes parallel with the feeling of thinking that we are missing out on something that can make us happy. It causes me to be vulnerable in believing that I have to say "yes" to not missing out, yet what happens next time I face this same fear? There is an abundance of chances to find joy, and the fight between temporary joy and eternal joy is a battle parallel to the fear of missing out.
God tells us:
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? You desire but you do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”- James 4:1-3
I sat at home, afraid of the Snapchats my friends would post, yet the next day I would be assured of my decision to say "no." Those nights I used to look forward to slowly became less and less thrilling, and the power of saying "no" began to become friendly to me.
I was realizing that no one loved me any less for not going out on a Thursday night, but what really mattered was my relationship with him or her, which ultimately reflects my relationship with God.
Relationships are much greater than any night out. Sure, some of the memories you make on those nights create great stories, but missing out on something you think will bring you temporary joy is not assuring according to God.
Why not spend that Thursday night on improving yourself or your relationship with others over dessert?
Or instead of saying "yes" to a night out, saying "yes" to Jesus, the man who can give us abundantly more and loves us unconditionally.
“For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?”-Luke 9:25
Next time you are afraid of missing out on something, remind yourself that there is a far greater Man above that you could miss out on; He is welcoming you with open arms and calling your name on that Saturday night.
Kayley is an incredible college student who loves spending time with family and friends, traveling, and indulging in the Word of God.
“Please leave a comment. How you ever experienced F.O.M.O.? We would love to hear what you learned from the Lord, any Scripture you have that relates, etc. Thank you. ”