Truth vs. Lies
Truth vs. Lies
By HannaH Williams
Let’s face it, our whole life consists of choices: good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, and truth vs. lies. If you live long enough, you will encounter hardships and trials of many kinds, and of course you will experience victories too. You will be faced with deciphering between being a working mom or a stay-at-home-mom, eating strictly organic or non-organic, sending your children to public school or private school, vaccinating or non-vaccinating, choosing a neighborhood to live in, and a church to call home, to name a few.
You may constantly struggle with your personal appearance, “If only I didn’t have these bags under my eyes”, or “I wish my hair were curly,” “If I could only loose weight,” or “I wish I had as much money as so and so,” if, if, if. You may have mental strongholds of past hurts that keep haunting you, or perhaps you are consciously living in sin and don’t know how to break out of the rhythmic cycle.
The truth here is that we are all under attack of some kind and the root of these problems come from the enemy, the devil himself who is out to steal, kill, and destroy us {John 10:10}. If you are anything like me, you get overwhelmed with all the choices you are faced with these days and shut down. However, the older I’ve gotten I realize me shutting down means the enemy wins that battle. He rejoices in my misery. He feasts on my sadness and tries his best to distance me from the very thing that gives me life- JESUS.
I do not know the condition your heart is in, but I pray you stop looking to people, places, and things to fulfill you and give you peace and hope, and instead look to the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ. God loves you beyond measure and comprehension. So much so, He sent His very son, Jesus, to die for you. {John 3:16} He took on all our sin, all our failures, and foolishness and suffered a gruesome death. Why? So you could be made righteous.
Paul tells us in Romans 3:21-24 “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it- the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” So you could live and have hope of eternal glory. So that when faced with hardships, you could cling tightly to the truths and promises He’s given us in His word. {Isaiah 40:29-31} {Matthew 11:28-29} Nothing can separate us from God’s love. {Romans 8:37-39} Unfortunately the enemy will always be on the prowl, but I encourage you to put on the full armor of God {Ephesians 6:10-18} and silence the lying voice of Satan.
So next time you come to a cross roads, I encourage you to ask yourself “what is the truth here and what are the lies?” If you believe in Jesus and have a personal relationship with him then you will know the truths; you are redeemed, and you’ve been made new.
You have worth because you are a daughter of the King, an heir to the throne. You have a place reserved for you in glory, and nothing, no matter how bad you mess up, will loose your place. If you don’t have a personal relationship, then I pray you recognize your need for him and that you know you can come as you are. No need to carry guilt and shame anymore. No need to feel that you aren’t good enough- those are lies. “The son of man came to seek and save the lost.” {Luke 19:10} Truth: God didn’t come to call the righteous, but he came to call sinners to repentance {Luke 5:32}.
Hannah is the wife to her high school sweetheart, Wes, and a mama to three adorable boys! After teaching for many years, Hannah gets to stay home with her boys, which she is so grateful for. She is passionate about serving others and making the real Jesus non-ignorable everywhere they go. Hannah is a Godly mentor to many young women, a beautiful servant of Christ.